Thursday, April 16, 2009

Since May- ? - 06 I've bin begging my mom to help me build a blog.
This post gos to my very good grandma. U have probable bin on her blog before her name is Karen Standing.
What I'd like about you is that you take me out to do fun stuff like when we went to get are tous done. And when we-WE= Me, Lucy, Henry and Franklen in clouding Owen. when WE slept over and you let us be waters and you even tip ed us. Me and lucy did diner and Owen did breakfast with Henry and Franklen.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

All about ME!

I have a family of 4 people in my family. The people in my family are Mandy my mom, Ken my dad and my brother Owen. My favorite color is baby blue. My Hobby is well it rill depends if it is hot or cold. If it is hot I'd go swimming. If it is cold I'd stay in side and drink hot chocolate. So I really donut have a hobby in winter but that is OK because I really do not like winter very much.
AT ALL ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'll talk about how this rain is so making my spring vacation TERRIBLE don't U think! me and my grandma agree! Right now my cousin Gabby is California with her family. I AM SO JEALOUS!

  1. because it is so much HOTTER done in California!
  2. she gets to stay there for 9 days
  3. I AM SO JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

First Post

Well you know I am new to this blogging post.
Well most of you now my aunt Kirstie just had a new baby GIRL!
This Easter has been a big hit because we went out to grandma Karen's and had ham, funeral potatoes, asparagus and rolls. Then Kris, Connie, Kirstie had the same thing.